How to Become an Airbnb Super Host

If you’re an Airbnb host, there’s a good chance you want to become a Super Host. After all, Super Hosts get more bookings and make more money. We will discuss what it takes to become a Super Host and some of the benefits that come with it. We’ll also provide some tips for becoming a Super Host!

Airbnb Superhost: Everything You Need to Know

The Airbnb Superhost program is a highly-coveted status that hosts can achieve. It offers a range of benefits, from increased credibility to preferential treatment from Airbnb. Earning Superhost status is not easy – it requires meeting several criteria, such as maintaining a high rating and receiving positive reviews from guests. 

But for hosts who can achieve Superhost status, the rewards can be significant. Not only does the badge add legitimacy to your listing, but you also receive several benefits from Airbnb, such as priority support and exclusive discounts on Airbnb services. 

So if you’re looking to take your Airbnb hosting business to the next level, achieving Superhost status is definitely worth the effort.

An Airbnb Superhost

An Airbnb Superhost is an award given to hosts in recognition of consistently good reviews and guest experiences. Superhosts receive an orange badge on their rental listings, which shows that they have achieved it.

The badge is not just a sign of prestige, but it also comes with some tangible benefits. Superhosts receive premium support from Airbnb and are more likely to be featured in the site’s marketing materials. They’re also more likely to get bookings during high-demand periods.

Becoming a Superhost is not easy – it requires hard work and dedication to providing great guest experiences. But for those who are successful, the rewards can be significant.

Becoming a Superhost on Airbnb

Becoming a Superhost on Airbnb is not a difficult task, but it does require some dedication. To be eligible, hosts must meet the following milestones: hosted bookings at least 10 times a year, or 3 reservations with 100 nights booked; maintained a response rate of 90% or higher; maintained an overall rating of 4.8, and 80% of reviews on Airbnb being 5-star reviews; have a cancellation rate of 1% or lower. If you can maintain these standards, you are on your way to becoming a Superhost!

The requirements for becoming an Airbnb Superhost are quite stringent, but if you manage to meet all of them, you can enjoy several benefits. These include a better placement in Airbnb search results, exclusive invitations to special events, and a Superhost badge on your listing.

If you’re not quite there yet, don’t worry – Airbnb reviews your listing every 3 months to assess whether you’re still meeting the benchmarks for Superhost status. So keep up the good work and you’ll be rewarded soon enough!

How to Get a Superhost Badge on Airbnb

Becoming a Superhost is not an easy feat. Many requirements need to be met to achieve this status. However, if you are dedicated and put in the effort, you can become a Superhost. Here are some tips to help you on your way:

  1. When renting through Airbnb, it is important to keep your rental clean and comfortable for guests. This means providing all the amenities that they are looking for as well as hiring professional cleaners to make sure every nook and cranny is spotless. Additionally, 5-star reviews are essential to becoming a Superhost, so make sure you provide a perfect stay for your guests!
  2. Leaving reviews is a key part of being an Airbnb host. Not only does it help you to qualify for Superhost status, but it also helps your guests to make informed decisions about whether or not to stay with you. By leaving honest and accurate reviews, you can help your guests to have a great experience on Airbnb.
  3. Keeping up prompt and effective communication is essential for Superhosts. They need to respond to messages within 24 hours and keep a 90% response rate. This can be tough if they have many properties receiving several messages a day. Automating pre-set messages can save time and ensure that communication stays prompt and effective.
  4. Ensure a high occupancy rate and achieve Superhost status. To increase occupancy rates, it is important to be realistic with pricing and regularly review competitors’ rates. If you are not competitive with your pricing, your guests will book elsewhere. Marketing your property to a specific target audience is key to keeping your calendar full. This can be done through social media platforms or by partnering with local businesses. When guests are happy with their experience, they are more likely to return and recommend your property to others. Avoid cancellations as much as possible to qualify for the Superhost program.
  5. Airbnb hosting can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to remember that it’s also a business. To ensure that your guests have a great experience and that you’re making money, you need to manage your properties efficiently. This means handling incoming and outgoing messages, overseeing check-in procedures, and ensuring that the property is clean and well-maintained. The best way to manage your properties efficiently is with vacation rental software. It helps you keep track of reviews, listing availability, and more. It also helps you manage your messaging so that you can respond quickly to inquiries. With this software it overseeing your business tasks, you’ll be on your way to achieving Superhost status!

Becoming an Airbnb Superhost Won’t Guarantee More Revenue?

Becoming a Superhost on Airbnb can be beneficial for hosts in terms of revenue. Although the average daily rate (ADR) of Superhosts is lower than regular hosts, they enjoy a higher occupancy rate and earn more daily revenue. This is because Superhosts have mastered the art of maximizing their earnings through flexible pricing and by using other strategies to increase bookings. By becoming a Superhost, hosts can take the first step towards generating greater revenue.

The Benefits of Becoming an Airbnb Superhost

If you’re an Airbnb host, becoming a Superhost can be a great way to boost your business.


As a Superhost, you’ll be able to receive more bookings. This is because guests will see a Superhost badge on your host profile and each of your listings. Guests usually look for the most reliable hosts on Airbnb to rent from, so they’ll naturally consider your listings. You’ll also be included in a Superhost search filter that only displays Superhost listings in search results.


As a Superhost, you can charge a slightly higher rate for your rental, due to your reputation for excellent service. Maintaining your Superhost status for one full year will earn you a $100 travel coupon that you can apply toward your own Airbnb trip.


Being a Superhost on Airbnb comes with a lot of benefits. First and foremost, you get priority support from Airbnb whenever you have a question or need help with something. This can help run your business and provide great service to your guests. Additionally, you’ll have access to new product releases and invitations to events at Airbnb. This puts you in an exclusive group and shows that you are doing a great job as a host. Overall, being a Superhost is a great way to show your guests that you care about them and their experience.


Being an Airbnb Super Host is a great way to make some extra money and meet interesting people from all over the world. It’s not as difficult as it may seem, and following these steps should help you on your way to becoming a Super Host. Have you ever stayed in an Airbnb? What was your experience like?

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