Airbnb Message Template: The Only Guide You Need

Are you looking for a way to get more Airbnb bookings? If so, then you need to start using a message template! A message template is simply a pre-written email that you can send to potential guests. This email will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting booked! We will discuss the benefits of using an Airbnb message template, and we will provide you with a free template that you can use right away!

Hosting on Airbnb: Communication Essentials

Communication is key for any Airbnb host. Not only do you want to be sure to greet your guests and provide them with all the necessary information for their stay, but you also want to make sure that you are regularly communicating with them throughout their visit. This can help ensure that they have a great experience and leave a good review.

One way to make communication easier is to utilize message templates. These templates allow you to easily send out customized messages to your guests without having to worry about what to say. This can be especially helpful if you are busy or need to communicate with many guests at once.

These automated messages can help boost communication between hosts and guests and show customer appreciation. By utilizing them, you can make sure that all of your guests feel welcome and taken care of, which can help create a positive experience that will encourage them to return in the future.

Automating Your Guest Communication

Guest communication is essential to ensure a great guest experience. Automating your communication with guests makes it easy to send them timely, relevant messages and helps to create a more streamlined experience for both you and your guests. By preparing message templates ahead of time, you can easily send out messages that are personalized and relevant to each guest. This not only provides a better experience for your guests but also makes you look like a thoughtful and organized host.

6 Essential Airbnb Message Templates for Hosts

The six essential Airbnb message templates are important for hosts to have prepared in case of any inquiries from guests. 

1. The booking confirmation message

is a great way to start the relationship with your guests and set the tone for a great stay. Thank them for choosing your listing and express how excited you are to host them. You can also take this opportunity to briefly introduce yourself as a host and your Airbnb. Mention that you will be sending them a more detailed message to ease check-in and planning their stay. Finally, encourage them to reach out to you with any questions they may have.

Sample Template:

Dear XX,

Thank you for choosing us for your stay.

We are thrilled to be hosting you on (date) and look forward to your stay. Expect to receive details on checking in and making the best of your stay at (name of the place) when your reservation date is closer.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about planning your stay or our house rules, please feel free to check with us. We are happy to do everything we possibly can to make your stay comfortable, fun and stress-free.


Hi YY,

Thank you for booking (name of Airbnb). We are looking forward to hosting you at our place and will send you more information about check-in and staying at our Airbnb closer to your date of reservation.

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns. A copy of our house rules is attached. We will do our best to accommodate you.

2. Check-in / Welcome Message Template As your guests’ check-in date draws near, send them a detailed email to prepare them for their arrival at your Airbnb. Depending on the type of guests you attract, you can choose to send this 3 to 1 day before their check-in date.

In your email, explain your check-in process in simple and easy-to-understand language. Provide contact information for you or your designated contact in case they run into any issues. Prompt them to check your house rules / welcome book so they know what to expect and won’t be left feeling disappointed or frustrated.

This check-in email is an important opportunity to set the tone for a great stay at your Airbnb. Make sure to personalize it with a friendly greeting and let your guests know that you’re excited to welcome them!

Sample Template:


We hope you are all set to check in on (date) and are looking forward to your stay with us at (name of the place).

You can check in at (check-in time), so you are welcome to arrive any time after if you like.

Your door access code is (access code). It will be active from the time of check-in.

The wi-fi password is (wi-fi password).

You will receive your welcome book upon logging into wi-fi on any device.

If you haven’t had the chance to go through our house rules yet we encourage you to do so and let us know if you have any questions before arrival so we can try to accommodate any concerns you may have.

If you experience any issues getting into your room or after your check-in, feel free to contact us at (insert contact information) at any time. We are always happy to help.

See you on (insert day of arrival).

3. Mid-Stay Check-up Message The check-up message should be polite and straightforward. It should ask if the guest is happy with their stay so far and if they have any suggestions or complaints. This is your chance to make things right if something has gone wrong. Thank the guest for staying with you and let them know that you hope they enjoy the rest of their stay.

Sample Template:

Dear ZZ,

This is just a quick check-in to make sure you are enjoying your stay with us.

Please do let us know if you are experiencing inconveniences of any kind or would like some help or guidance with planning your future itinerary. We are more than happy to help.


Hi GG,

We hope you are having as much fun staying with us as we are enjoying hosting you.

This is just a quick reminder to please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your stay. We’d be glad to do what we can to make your stay with us a better one.

4. Noise Complaint Message Template When sending a noise complaint message to guests, be sure to be polite and understanding. However, you should also make it clear that any further noise disturbances will not be tolerated. You may want to include a list of the house rules for noise so that there is no confusion about what is expected from guests. Finally, if the noise continues after your warning, be sure to follow through with the consequences that you have outlined.

Sample Template:

Dear HB,

We have received several complaints from your fellow guests / our immediate neighbors of music being played loudly from your villa even past midnight yesterday. As is clearly stated in the house rules and the short-term rental agreement you signed upon checking-in, quiet time at (insert name of the place) begins at 9 pm Sunday through Thursday and at 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

Please be kind enough to make sure to observe these rules in consideration of everyone else hereon.

Furthermore, (name of the city) has very strict regulations on Airbnb noise complaints which can easily result in eviction and fines.

5. Check-out Message Template As with the check-in message, the check-out message should be clear and concise. It should take guests through the process of checking out, such as leaving the space tidy, dropping off keys, check-out times, etc. You can also ask your guests to notify you once they leave so you can send your cleaner to start turnover. Don’t forget to thank your guests for choosing your Airbnb.

Sample Template:

Hey UD,

We are delighted to have been able to host you at our place for the past (number) of days. To ensure your stay with us continues to be seamless and stress-free let us quickly take you through the check-out process.

The check-out time is (time). You can leave earlier if you wish.

Make sure you have taken out the trash and washed the dishes before you leave.

Also, don’t forget to ensure all windows and doors are locked before you check out.

We are sad to see you go but hope to see you again on your next holiday/stay in (name of the city).

If you have enjoyed your stay with us please consider letting your friends and family know of our Airbnb.

6. Guest Post-Check-Out Message Make sure to write a personalized message to each of your guests, thanking them for their stay and letting them know you hope they had a great trip home. You should also remind them that they have 14 days to leave a review on Airbnb.

Sample Template:


We hope you’ve reached your home safe and sound and had time to unpack and relax from the journey back.

Because we had a delightful time hosting you, we have left you a great review on Airbnb. We hope you will be kind enough to reciprocate and leave us a review letting us and other Airbnb guests know how you enjoyed your stay with us.

Looking forward to your review and future stays with (name of your place).

How to Automate Guest Messaging

If you use a property management system or channel manager to manage your bookings, such as Hostaway, you can easily automate all guest communication for multiple channels and listings. You can choose to be specific to individual channels or listings, or you can set up communication templates that will be automatically sent to guests based on the booking details. This can save you a lot of time and ensure that all guests receive a consistent level of communication.

Hostaway allows you to customize your messages to make each one feel personal. For example, if you receive a reservation for a property, you can send out a message welcoming the guest and providing them with important information about their stay. You can also include a link to your online check-in form so guests can easily access it.

Scheduled messages are a great way to keep in touch with your guests, without having to take the time to send messages individually. To create a message, go to your Inbox and select Scheduled Messages. Then, click New Message and enter a name for the message. You can then type your message, and insert any shortcodes (such as the guest’s first name) to personalize the message. You can also set the language of your message, as well as which listings the message should apply to. When you’re finished, click Save.

Key Takeaway

As an Airbnb host or property manager, it is crucial to be attentive and responsive to guests to ensure a great experience and receive positive reviews. However, trying to be available 24/7 is impossible and can take up too much time. Automating your guest communication using our free templates will save you time, effort, and energy.

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